Tips to learn a second language online


The English language is considered a language universal. Is very important for us because help us to talking and express with other people abroad. Too help us do making business, take decisions, sing, etc.

Currently the computers, cellphones, tablets, smartphones, TVs, among others, they are very useful for the learning. In addition those Equipements are used by the teachers and students for learn and memorize the language.

How is possible that is the English language more speaking in all the world?

To us is easier the English when we are reading and writing in different activities that give us to do in class or homework, for example watch any video to us is a method very good to learning the language and we like because is very important the know memory the word.

When being to listening words in English for example in songs, class, movies or in the street we remember more the things, also when we put together to working in different exercises we like because they are making fly us mind and teach us me word that we don't knew or other way of writing a phase.

First Tip

A tip you can use for learning English is watch videos of conversation on the TV or computer with subtitles in Spanish, later with subtitles in English and finally without subtitles. This helps you a memorize words and too can see the write correct of the words.

Second Tip

Another tip is listening to music in English equal first with subtitles in Spanish, later with subtitles in English and finally without subtitles. This helps you a recognize and listening with attention the pronunciation of the words.

Third Tip

Another tip is that after watching videos of conversations you try to write the words that to remember or phases. This helps you to enlarge your vocabulary and knowledge in the language.

Fourth Tip

UOne of the favorite activities of the students for learn English is play online with words or with the word ending. Exists the play of “Caricachupas” or words on the same topic. For example the topic is adjectives, the words are big, small, pretty, large, brown, green, ugly, fat, etc. This is good play for learn and it’s fun.

Fifth Tip

Another tip is play memorama game with friends online, helps speed up memory and fast think. In addition the pictures are good element for recognize and to identify objects, actions, adjectives, or verbs.

Finally all that tips mentioned before are utilized by many people for achieve learning the English. You should know that the learning is slow and little complicated. All that depends on the enthusiasm and commitment that the put.

Remember that nothing is impossible!